How to Find Scopus Indexed Journals: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Find Scopus Indexed Journals – Hello, research enthusiasts! Are you interested in Scopus and want to find the best journals, or verify a journal’s indexing in one of the top scientific abstract and citation databases by Elsevier? If so, this blog is designed for you. We’re going to discuss the best and simplest ways to find journals indexed in Scopus.

First, let’s talk about what Scopus is. Scopus is a scientific abstract and citation database developed by Elsevier. According to recent reports, there are over 46,534+ journals indexed in Scopus.

Scopus is a reliable source of indexed journals for Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Health Sciences disciplines.

Now, let’s discuss how to find Scopus-indexed journals in easy steps.

Steps to find Scopus Indexed Journals

  • If you want to find Scopus-indexed journals, first visit the official Scopus website at
official Scopus website
official Scopus website
  • Now, click on the “Sources” button to access the journal list, as shown in the image below.
How to Find Scopus Indexed Journals - setp 2
How to Find Scopus Indexed Journals – setp 2
  • Here, you’ll find a list of Scopus-indexed journals along with their CiteScore and citation data. The top journals will appear on the first page.
list of journals
List of Scopus Journals
  • Here, you can search for journals by title, ISSN, subject, or publisher name. Simply choose any option based on how you want to find a journal.
How to Find Scopus Indexed Journals - setp 4
How to Find Scopus Indexed Journals – setp 4
  • In my case, I am searching for a journal by Subject area. Simply select the “Subject Area” option, then choose the desired subject and click in apply button, as shown in the image below.
finding journal by subject area
Finding journal by subject area
  • Once you click on the blue “Apply” button, you will see a list of journals based on the subject area you selected.
List of journals by subject
List of journals by subject
  • Now, click on any journal title to check its indexing status in Scopus. In my case, I am clicking on the first option, “CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.”
click in first option
Click in first option
  • Once you click on the journal title, you will be able to see the journal’s indexing status in Scopus along with other details such as Scopus indexing coverage, publisher, ISSN, subject area, and various metrics like CiteScore, SJR, and SNIP, as shown in the image below.
Scopus indexing status
Scopus indexing status
  • When checking the indexing status of a journal, be sure to review the details carefully in the journal section. Many people mistakenly assume that if a journal appears in Scopus, it is indexed in Scopus, but this is not always the case. For example, as shown in the screenshot below, the journal is listed as “covered by Scopus: from 2009 to 2021.” This means that if you are looking at the journal in 2023-24, it is no longer indexed in Scopus, as Scopus coverage only goes up to 2021. So, be cautious and verify the information thoroughly.
Scopus coverage only goes up to 2021
Scopus coverage only goes up to 2021

I hope this post has clarified things for you, and now you can easily find Scopus-indexed journals or verify a journal’s indexing status in Scopus (Downlaod Scopus Indexed Journals).

If you’re still facing any difficulties or have trouble understanding the post, don’t hesitate to comment below or connect with me on LinkedIn. I’ll be happy to help clear up any doubts and assist you in finding the journals.

I hope this post has added value to your knowledge. If so, please leave a thoughtful comment on the blog post or follow me on LinkedIn for future updates.

(New) Fast Publication Indexed Journals in 2025

Fast Publication Indexed Journals – In the competitive world of academic publishing, getting your research published in a Scopus, WOS, and Pubmed indexed journal quickly is a priority for many researchers.

Indexed Journals not only ensures credibility but also boosts the visibility of your work within the global academic community.

This guide explores the concept of Fast Publication Indexed Journals, providing insights into choosing the right journal and tips for expediting your publication process.

Fast Publication Indexed Journals

Medical Laboratory Journal
: 2538-4449
Indexed In: DOAJ
APC: No Publication Fees
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 4 weeks
Subject: Medicine(Medical laboratory, Clinical pathology, Parasitology, Hematology, Microbiology, Virology)

Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan
: 2502-471X
Indexed In: DOAJ
APC: No Publication Fees
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 4 weeks
Subject: Education (General)

Advances in Oceanography and Limnology
: 1947-5721
Indexed In: Scopus, DOAJ
APC: No Publication Fees
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 12 weeks
Subject: Science: Biology (General): Ecology

Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management
: 2221-6529
Indexed In: Scopus, DOAJ
APC: No Publication Fees
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 12 weeks
Subject: Business, Management and Accounting, Engineering

Journal of Small Business Strategy (Not publishing anymore)
: 1081-8510
Indexed In: Scopus, DOAJ
APC: No Publication Fees
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 4 weeks
Subject: Business, Management and Accounting

European Psychiatry
: 0924-9338
Indexed In: Medline/PubMed, Clarivate, Scopus, DOAJ
APC: $3150 USD
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 6 weeks
Subject: Medicine, Psychiatry and Mental Health

European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine
ISSN: 2284-2594
Indexed In: PubMed Central, Scopus, DOAJ
APC: 300€ + 22% VAT (366€ tax incl)
Review Process: Single-blind peer-review
Submission to publication: 8 weeks
Subject: Medicine (Internal medicine, Young internist, Case report, Educational value)

Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
: 2395-1443
Indexed In: Scopus
APC: $250 (USD)
Review Process: Double blind peer review
Submission to publication: 5 weeks
Subject: Clinical Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology

Frontiers in Conservation Science
: 2673-611X
Indexed In: WOS, Scopus, DOAJ
APC: $0-2206 USD (Article type wise)
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 13 weeks
Subject: Environmental Science, Nature and Landscape Conservation

Health Technology Assessment in Action
: 2645-3835
Indexed In: Scopus, DOAJ
APC: No Publication Fees
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 12 weeks
Subject: Health Professions, Medicine

Medical Journal of Babylon
: 1812-156X
Indexed In: SCOPUS, DOAJ
APC: $200 USD
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 8 weeks
Subject: Medicine

European Geologist
: 1028-267X
Indexed In: DOAJ
APC: No Publication Fees
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 8 weeks
Subject: Science: Geology

Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology
: 2162-0989
Indexed In: DOAJ, Scopus
APC: $1950 USD
Review Process: Double anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 9 weeks
Subject: Medicine, Ophthalmology

: 2414-3146
Indexed In: Scopus, PubMed, DOAJ
APC: $340 USD
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 5 weeks
Subject: Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry)

ISSN: 2079-6374
Indexed In: PubMed, DOAJ, Scopus, Web of Science
APC: 3050
Review Process: Anonymous peer review
Submission to publication: 6 weeks
Subject: Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Engineering, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates on the latest Fast Publication Indexed Journals and trends in scientific publishing.